5 Best CBD POS Systems: Great Solutions for Hemp Retailers

Finding a great CBD POS system can be a bit confusing. From compliance hurdles to payment processing woes, we understand your unique challenges.

But fear not. We’ve curated a comprehensive guide to help you navigate this terrain. In this article, we’ll delve deep into the world of CBD POS systems, offering insights and solutions to empower your business.

Say goodbye to frustration and hello to streamlined operations with our recommendations and insights.


  1. KORONA POS: Best for processing freedom and low fees.
  2. Square POS: Best for small-volume shops.
  3. Lightspeed Retail POS: Best for eCommerce CBD merchants.
  4. Brilliant POS: Best for advanced employee management.

Best For Processing Freedom – KORONA POS


KORONA POS is an excellent solution for CBD businesses seeking credit card processing freedom.

With seamless integration and no restrictive contracts or hidden fees, KORONA POS allows businesses to choose their preferred payment processor. This flexibility empowers CBD businesses to maximize profitability and comply with industry regulations confidently.

korona pos logo


  • Inventory management
  • Reporting and analytics
  • Great scalability


  • Learning curve for all features








Key features

  • KORONA POS is credit card agnostic, meaning vendors can integrate whichever processor they choose.
  • This flexibility allows CBD businesses to find a payment processing solution that works with hemp-related retailers.
  • In addition, vendors can seek out the most cost-effective or efficient CBD payment solution based on their needs.


  • Inventory Management

KORONA POS offers comprehensive inventory management features to streamline tracking and managing inventory for CBD businesses. Users can efficiently monitor stock levels, track product movement, and set up automated reordering to prevent stockouts and optimize inventory turnover.

  • Reporting and Analytics

Robust reporting and analytics tools empower businesses to gain valuable insights into their performance. With customizable reports and real-time data, users can track sales trends, analyze customer behavior, and measure key performance metrics.

  • Scalability

The platform is tailored to accommodate hemp businesses’ growth and evolving needs. With multi-location support, customizable workflows, and robust integrations, KORONA POS allows seamless expansion and adaptation.


  • Learning Curve for All Features

While KORONA POS offers a comprehensive range of features, mastering its full functionality may require time and effort due to a learning curve. Users may need to invest in training or familiarize themselves with the system through practice to leverage its full capabilities effectively.

Schedule a KORONA POS Demo Today

Speak with a product specialist and learn how KORONA POS can power your business needs.

Best For Small Volume Shops- Square POS

Square overview

Square is an excellent option for small-volume CBD shops seeking easy and quick setups.

With its user-friendly interface and straightforward setup process, Square enables small businesses to start accepting payments swiftly and efficiently.

square logo


  • User-friendly interface
  • Versatile hardware options
  • Integrated ecosystem


  • Lack of payment processor flexibility
  • Expensive for higher volume CBD vendors

Square Pricing

Retail Free

Free subscription with 2.6% plus $0.10 for most transactions

Retail Plus

$89/mo per location

Key Features

  • Square has a “free” option for monthly subscriptions, with users paying instead through transaction fees.
  • The minimal setup allows for smaller CBD businesses and startups to get going quickly without much need for hands-on assistance.
  • Square software is compatible with many mobile hardware options, which works great for smaller spaces.


  • User-Friendly Interface

Square POS offers an intuitive and user-friendly interface that is easy to set up and navigate, making it ideal for businesses without extensive technical expertise. This simplicity streamlines the checkout process and reduces the training time needed for staff.

  • Versatile Hardware Options

Square provides a range of hardware options, including credit card readers, tablets, and stands. This versatility enables businesses flexibility if you have a small kiosk-type CBD shop or a small wellness retail store.

  • Integrated Ecosystem

Square offers an integrated ecosystem of business tools beyond just processing payments. These include inventory management, employee management, analytics, and customer relationship management (CRM) features.


  • Lack of Payment Processor Flexibility

If you use Square POS for your CBD business,, you must use their built-in processing. You will not be able to shop around for lower rates.

  • Expensive for Higher Volume CBD Vendors

Square’s rates are steeper than other payment processors. These fees can add up significantly for businesses that do a high amount of sales.

Best For eCommerce CBD Stores – Lightspeed Retail

Lightspeed overview

Lightspeed offers a comprehensive solution tailored for CBD businesses with eCommerce sites.

Its robust omnichannel capabilities seamlessly integrate with in-store operations, providing a unified platform for inventory management and sales tracking.

lightspeed pos logo


  • Customizable system
  • Comprehensive inventory management
  • Advanced reporting and analytics


  • High cost
  • Weaker support

Lightspeed Pricing



  • Inventory management
  • Tip management
  • Customer management



  • Clock in/clock out
  • Inventory matrix
  • Inventory adjustments



  • 1 Hour a month of phone support
  • Barcode manager
  • Low stock alerts

Key Features

  • Lightspeed POS offers seamless integration with eCommerce platforms, allowing businesses to unify their online and offline operations.
  • Retailers can manage inventory, sales, and customer data across multiple channels from a single platform.
  • A centralized approach simplifies administrative tasks and allows consistent branding and messaging across all online touchpoints.


  • Customizable System

Lightspeed Retail provides a customizable POS system tailored to the specific needs of retail businesses. Retailers can customize the POS interface to streamline checkout processes, create personalized customer experiences, and easily incorporate loyalty programs or discounts.

  • Advanced Reporting and Analytics

Powerful reporting and analytics tools provide insights into sales performance, inventory turnover, and customer behavior. With customizable reports and real-time data, retailers can make informed decisions to optimize their operations, identify trends, and forecast future demand accurately.

  • Comprehensive Inventory Management

Robust inventory management helps retailers track stock levels, manage product variants, and set reorder points efficiently. Businesses can ensure accurate inventory counts with features like barcode scanning and automatic stock adjustments.


  • Cost

Lightspeed Retail’s pricing structure may be relatively expensive for small businesses, especially those with limited budgets. While the platform offers comprehensive features, the subscription fees and additional costs for hardware and add-ons can add up.

  • Technical Support

Some users have reported challenges with Lightspeed Retail’s customer support, including delayed response times and difficulty resolving technical issues promptly. This lack of timely and efficient support can frustrate retailers, especially during busy periods.

Do you have trouble getting your POS customer service on the phone?

KORONA POS offers 24/7 phone, chat, and email support. Call us now at 833.200.0213 to see for yourself.

Best For Advanced Employee Management – Brilliant POS

Brilliant overview

Brilliant POS provides exceptional employee management features explicitly tailored for CBD stores.

The interface helps easy scheduling, performance tracking, and payroll management, streamlining administrative tasks and optimizing workforce efficiency.

brilliant pos logo


  • Solid customer engagement
  • Strong reporting and analytics
  • Affordable


  • Lack of integration options
  • Compliance features

Brilliant Pricing

Payments Plus


Register Lite




Key Features

  • Brilliant POS offers integrated employee scheduling features that allow operators to create and manage schedules directly within the POS system.
  • Includes robust tools for tracking employee shifts and performance, and generating detailed reports on key metrics such as sales, productivity, and attendance.
  • Managers can set each employee’s granular permissions and access levels, ensuring that sensitive information and functionalities are only accessible to authorized personnel.


  • Solid Customer Engagement

Brilliant POS enhances customer engagement through a range of tools With the ability to issue and redeem gift cards directly through the POS system, businesses can attract new customers and drive repeat visits. Additionally, integrated email marketing and rewards programs enable targeted communication and relationships.

  • Affordable

With monthly subscription fees on the lower end compared to many other POS providers, Brilliant POS is an affordable option for CBD retailers.

  • Strong Reporting and Analytics

Offers robust sales analytics and reporting capabilities to businesses with actionable insights to inform strategic decisions. Customizable reports and real-time data help businesses track sales performance, monitor inventory levels, and identify trends.


  • Lack of Integration Options

Brilliant POS may face limitations regarding integration options compared to some competitors. While it offers essential integrations with payment processors and accounting software, its compatibility with other third-party apps and services is slightly more limited.

How To Choose the Best POS For your CBD Store?

  • Ensure CBD Payment Processing

When selecting a POS system for your CBD store, ensuring reliable CBD payment processing is paramount. Some vendors have experienced interruptions when payment processors ceased services over time.

Opt for a POS system with guaranteed processing longevity to prevent business disruptions.

  • Compliance Features

Ensure the POS system is equipped with features to help you stay compliant with local and federal regulations governing the sale of CBD products. Age verification tools and sales tracking for reporting purposes are a must.

You don’t want to lose your CBD license because of reporting errors.

  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

CRM features help track customer preferences, purchase history, and loyalty program participation. This allows you to personalize marketing efforts, provide tailored recommendations, and foster customer loyalty within your CBD store.

  • eCommerce Integration

Smooth eCommerce integration allows you to sell CBD products online if you plan on doing so. Look for features such as real-time inventory sync, centralized product management, and omnichannel order fulfillment to provide a cohesive shopping experience across all sales channels.

  • Scalability and Flexibility

Opt for a POS system that can scale with your CBD business as it grows. Ensure the system is flexible enough to accommodate changes in product offerings, sales volume, and business requirements, allowing you to adapt and expand your operations without outgrowing the POS solution.

A POS that can quickly add new locations and checkout lanes will help you expand easily.

  • Customer Support and Training

Reliable customer support and comprehensive training resources are essential. The best providers have responsive, in-house customer support teams, user-friendly documentation, and POS training programs to help you maximize the functionality of your POS system.

Test out the responsiveness of the support team before you commit!

  • Inventory Management

Look for robust inventory management features such as batch tracking product variations (e.g., different strengths or flavors). Low-stock alerts and auto-reordering help efficiently manage your CBD inventory and prevent stockouts.

Complimentary Download

Learn how to manage your inventory effectively with this free eGuide.


Choosing the right POS system can set you up for a successful CBD retail operation. It’s crucial to select a system with robust features tailored to the unique needs of the CBD industry, including compliance tools, reliable payment processing for hemp-related transactions, and advanced inventory management capabilities.

Investing in a comprehensive POS system designed specifically for CBD retail can optimize efficiency, ensure compliance, and provide a seamless shopping experience for your customers.

To learn more about hemp retail solutions from KORONA POS, click the link below!

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Written By

Mahougnon Martial Amoussou

Passionate about SEO and Content Marketing. Martial also writes about retail trends and tips for KORONA POS. He loves NBA games and is a big fan of the Golden State Warriors.