Retail KPIs: What They Are and 20 Important Metrics For Retailers to Track

Illustration with business owners using various important retail KPIs

The retail industry is one of the most competitive in the world. In order to grow your retail business, you must constantly analyze which factors could contribute to its success.

Key performance indicators (KPIs) are useful tools for doing just that. By staying up to date with trends around your niche market, keeping your teams aligned, and gaining realistic insight into the health of your operation, leveraging KPIs allows for a holistic approach to improving your retail business’s performance.

Hundreds of measurable KPIs exist, so where should you start? This article will detail the 20 most important KPIs for retailers to track. Leverage our suggested KPIs to ensure your retail business is healthy and headed in the right direction.

What Are KPIs?

A KPI is a measurable target that indicates how well a business is performing. Companies can identify their success and pain points by looking at several critical indicators, such as profits, sales numbers, and annual expenses, among many others.

Reviewing and evaluating KPIs helps businesses determine whether or not they are on track to meeting their objectives so they can make strategic changes where necessary.

Why Are Retail KPIs Important?

As a retailer, much of your time and energy is spent managing your inventory, streamlining your logistics, and curating the customer experience. To know whether your efforts are contributing to your business’s success, it’s critical to monitor particular metrics across your online and in-store sales and general operations over time. Here’s why KPIs are critical measurement tools for retailers:

Performance Measurement

KPIs provide a straightforward and precise way to measure the effectiveness of your retail operation’s full spectrum, from sales performance to inventory management. By tracking KPIs, retailers can identify their areas of strength and weakness and make data-driven decisions to improve overall performance.

Goal Setting and Accountability

KPIs help retailers set specific, measurable goals and track progress toward them. For example, if a retailer wants to increase their customer satisfaction score, it can leverage particular KPIs related to customer feedback and service quality. These hyper-specific KPIs can provide benchmarks for success and hold teams accountable for achieving their growth targets.

Strategic Decision-Making

KPIs offer valuable insights into consumer behavior and market trends and can inform a retailer’s strategic decisions. Retailers can use KPIs to identify trends and patterns, assess market opportunities, and measure the impact of their strategic initiatives to make data-informed decisions that contribute to their business’s growth.

Which Metrics Should My Retail Business Prioritize?

Retailers should prioritize the following metrics and KPIs to effectively manage and optimize their business operations:

Sales Performance

Tracking sales performance is essential for a retailer to understand how will its products and promotions are performing. The following KPIs can help retailers gauge overall business health and identify trends or shifts in the customers’ purchasing behaviors:

The year-over-year (YoY) sales growth KPI measures a business’s average yearly sales growth as a percentage. For retailers, this tool can be used to evaluate how sales performance during a certain period compares to the same period in the previous year. This comparison helps assess growth, identify trends, and make strategic business decisions.

Formula: (Sales in Current YearSales in Previous Year) / Sales in Previous Year × 100

How it’s useful: Year-over-year comparisons are great for getting a big picture idea of your business’s performance. Just combine this metric with a few others to make it more revelatory of the health of your business.

The Sales Per Square Foot (SPSF) KPI measures the efficiency of a store’s space in generating revenue. It provides insight into how effectively a retailer utilizes its retail space to drive sales.

Formula: Sales Per Square Foot (SPSF)= Total Sales / Total Square Footage of Retail Space

How it’s useful: Sales per square foot can be an indicator of multiple aspects of store performance: retail store layout and design, staff productivity, and multi-location analysis.

Larger retailers also compare this measurement across different locations in an attempt to identify any cultural or social differences that might impact sales. Your POS makes this process a lot easier with the right solution.

The image below shows how KORONA POS breaks down sales by total retail space. 

a screen capture from KORONA POS kpi dashboard showing organization indicators

The Average Transaction Value (ATV) KPI measures the average amount spent by a customer per transaction. ATV is a key metric for understanding consumer spending behavior and assessing the effectiveness of sales strategies and pricing.

Formula: Average Transaction Value (ATV)= Total Sales / Number of Transactions

How it’s useful: ATV helps retailers gauge sales performance by showing the average revenue per transaction. A higher ATV indicates effective upselling or product mix strategies, while a lower ATV might signal opportunities for improvement. Track your ATV to optimize pricing, promotions, and overall sales strategy for your retail business.

The break-even point (BEP) KPI measures the level of sales at which total revenues equal total costs, resulting in neither profit nor loss. This KPI helps retailers understand how much they need to sell to cover costs before they start making a profit, which is critical for setting sales targets and budgets.

Formula: Break-Even Point = Fixed Costs / Selling Price per Unit − Variable Cost per Unit​

How it’s useful: A successful retailer understands that the success of their business depends on more than just selling an item for more than it costs. A successful retailer ensures they are making enough money to cover their expenses, too. The BEP KPI helps retailers understand their bottom line so their business is profitable from the start.

Customer Experience

When retailers exceed their customers’ expectations, they build customer loyalty and encourage repeat business. The following KPIs are vital for retailers to assess how well they’re managing their customer experience:

The customer satisfaction score KPI measures customer satisfaction with products and services, typically through surveys. High CSAT scores indicate that customers are pleased with their experience.

Formula: CSAT Score = (Number of Satisfied Customers / Total Number of Respondents) x 100

How it’s useful: CSAT shows retailers how happy customers are with their shopping experience, and happy customers drive repeat purchases, foster brand loyalty, and generate positive word of mouth, all of which boost revenue and enhance a retailer’s reputation and market position.

Product return rates measure the percentage of products sold that are returned by customers. High return rates can point to issues with product quality, customer satisfaction, or fulfillment processes, while low return rates generally suggest that products meet or exceed customer expectations.

Formula: Product Return Rate = (Number of Returned Units / Total Number of Units Sold) x 100

How it’s useful: Measuring the rates of returned items is a straightforward way of evaluating customer satisfaction. It also may serve as a guide for a smarter return policy. If you have a product that may be bought, used once, and returned (we’ve all been there, right?), change the policy to lower return rates on the item and all similar products.

The customer retention rate (CRR) KPI tracks the percentage of repeat customers over a specific period. High retention rates are indicative of customer satisfaction and loyalty, which are crucial for a retailer’s long-term business success.

Formula: Customer Retention Rate = ((Number of Customers at End of Period – Number of New Customers Acquired During Period) / Number of Customers at Start of Period) x 100

How it’s useful: CRR allows you to see how much repeat business you’re getting and how well you retain customers. If you have a loyalty program in place, CRR is also a great indicator of how well it’s working.

The average response time KPI measures the average time taken to respond to customer inquiries or complaints. This metric is crucial for evaluating customer service efficiency and effectiveness.

Formula: Average Response Time = Total Response Time / Number of Inquiries

How it’s useful: In a world of automated customer service lines and 45-minute hold times, a short average response time as a retailer is precious. It means customers get quick answers and support, walking away satisfied. Understanding and optimizing your average response time makes customers more likely to return (and recommend your store to future customers).

Inventory Management

Effective inventory management requires the delicate balance of maintaining optimal stock levels to meet customer demand without overstocking or stockouts. The following KPIs help retailers balance and optimize inventory management to maximize profit, operational efficiency, and customer satisfaction:

The inventory turnover ratio KPI indicates how often inventory is sold and replaced within a period. This helps retailers measure how efficiently their inventory is being managed, which contributes to overall business performance.

Formula: Inventory Turnover Ratio = Costs of Goods Sold (COGS) / Average Inventory

How it’s useful: This metric is most useful for identifying ideal par levels on your inventory. Being short-stocked and over-stocked are equally damaging to most businesses, so getting it right is critical.

The sell-through rate (STR) KPI measures the percentage of inventory sold over a specific period relative to the amount of inventory available at the beginning of that period. This metric helps retailers understand how quickly and how well products are selling to manage inventory more effectively.

Formula: Sell-Through Rate = (Units Sold / Units Available For Sale) x 100

How it’s useful: STR is key for seasonal ordering and marketing. It’s important to order accurately throughout the year, and fluctuating sales by period make this difficult. So, like most KPIs, it’s helpful to have a substantial history for purposes of comparison.

The costs of goods sold (COGS) KPI measures the total cost incurred by a retailer to produce or purchase the goods that were sold during a specific period. COGS is critical for understanding profitability and streamlining inventory management.

Formula: Costs of Goods Sold = Beginning Inventory + Purchases – Ending Inventory

How it’s useful: COGS directly affects profitability. By understanding COGS, retailers can better manage pricing, control expenses, and set sales strategies that matter. Keeping COGS in check helps ensure healthy profit margins and financial stability, key for informed decision-making and retail business growth.

The gross margin return on investment (GMROI) evaluates the profitability of inventory relative to its cost. It helps retailers assess how effectively their inventory investments are generating gross margin profits.

Formula: Gross Margin Return on Investment = Gross Margin / Average Inventory Costs

How it’s useful: There are industry standards for GMROI, so this is a simple and tangible way of hitting benchmarks. Look up what an optimal GMROI is for your retail niche and let it optimize your inventory and ordering.

Operational Efficiency

Operational efficiency metrics help retailers streamline processes while reducing costs. The following KPIs give retailers insights into workforce management, customer service efficiency, and the whole range of operations to streamline success:

The labor cost percentage KPI measures the proportion of total sales revenue that is spent on labor costs. This metric helps retailers assess the efficiency of their workforce and manage operational expenses.

Formula: Labor Cost Percentage = (Total Labor Costs / Total Sales Revenue) x 100

How it’s useful: Measuring your labor cost percentage helps you monitor and control your labor expenses so that they align with your budget targets and profitability goals. Build your staff as is appropriate for your sales volume, and channel your labor force in the most effective way for your business.

The checkout time KPI measures the amount of time it takes for a customer to complete their purchase at the checkout counter. This metric is crucial for understanding the efficiency of the checkout process and its impact on customer satisfaction.

Formula: Average Checkout Time = Total Checkout Time / Number of Transactions

Why it’s useful: When you’ve had a long day at work, the last thing you want to do is wait in a long checkout line at the grocery store. Optimizing your business’s checkout time directly impacts customer satisfaction (and your store’s efficiency). Using this KPI can lead to higher customer satisfaction and retention, and thats how successful businesses stay successful.

The shrinkage rate KPI measures inventory loss due to theft, damage, or other factors that prevent the sale of goods. It is crucial for understanding and managing inventory losses and for accurate financial reporting.

Formula: Shrinkage Rate = (Shrinkage Value / Total Inventory Value) x 100

How it’s useful: Effective shrinkage management directly impacts your business’s bottom line and operational efficiency. By leveraging the shrinkage rate KPI, your business can reduce losses, improve inventory management, and enhance overall profitability.

The order fulfillment time KPI measures the time taken to complete and deliver a customer’s order from the moment it is placed until it is fulfilled. This metric is essential for evaluating the efficiency of a retailer’s order processing and delivery systems and its impact on customer satisfaction.

Formula: Order Fulfillment Time = Total Fulfillment Time / Number of Orders

How it’s useful: In the e-commerce space, orders are being processed and fulfilled faster than ever. It’s critical that your business keeps up with this unprecedented pace. Optimize your order fulfillment time to directly impact customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Financial Health

Tracking financial health metrics is essential for evaluating a retailers profitability and financial stability. Leverage the following KPIs to measure your retail business’s financial health and make informed decisions about investments, expansions, and other strategic initiatives:

The gross profit margin KPI indicates the percentage of revenue remaining after deducting the cost of goods sold. It is a measure of how efficiently a retailer is producing and selling its goods relative to its costs.

Formula: Gross Profit Margin = (Gross Profit / Total Sales Revenue) x 100

How it’s useful: Gross profit margin is one of the most important yet simplest measures of a business’s efficiency. It’s a window into the financial health of your company, and can help with setting the selling price of your products. Higher margins indicate better control over production costs and pricing, and gross profit margin KPIs get you there.

The net profit margin KPI measures the percentage of revenue remaining after all expenses have been deducted from total sales. It provides a comprehensive view of a retailer’s overall profitability, considering not just the cost of goods sold (COGS) but also operating expenses, taxes, and interest.

Formula: Net Profit Margin = (Net Profit / Total Sales Revenue) x 100

How it’s useful: Unlike gross profit margin, which focuses solely on production costs, net profit margin accounts for all operational costs, providing an even more comprehensive view of your retail business’s profitability. Use this KPI to guide your strategic decision-making and performance evaluations.

The current ratio KPI measures a retailer’s liquidity and short-term financial health. It measures the ability of a retailer to cover its short-term obligations with its short-term assets.

Formula: Current Ratio = Current Assets / Current Liabilities

How it’s useful: A healthy current ratio means a retailer can easily handle bills and unexpected costs—it’s like having enough cash to cover your monthly expenses. This is the bare minimum of what a business should be tracking to protect their financial health.

The return on assets KPI (ROA) ratio KPI evaluates how efficiently a retailer is using its assets to generate profit. ROA provides insight into the efficiency of asset utilization and overall financial performance.

Formula: Return on Assets = (Net Income / Total Assets) x 100

How it’s useful: ROA shows you how well your business is using its assets to make money. A higher ROA means your retailer is efficient in turning assets into profit, which helps evaluate if investments in things like stores and equipment are paying off.

Your POS System Can Automatically Measure and Report Your Retail KPIs

Even small companies have thousands of transactions and vast inventory counts, making tracking your KPIs by hand unrealistically time-consuming at best. Understanding which KPIs are most important for your business is the first step. It would help if you also had the right software to analyze your sales and data in digestible form.

Your retail point-of-sale software must be capable of automatically presenting your business’s data in understandable and digestible ways. Consider each of the retail KPIs listed in this article and imagine how much easier business operations would be with POS analytics and reporting that can compute each KPI with a click of a button.

KORONA POS for Automated KPI Tracking

Advanced retail point of sale software like KORONA POS helps retailers analyze important data, like retail KPIs and many others. Through customer databases, detailed inventory tracking, smart reporting and much more, your point of sale solution can be the hub of all business operations. Click below to find out more about KORONA. 

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Written By

Michael Chalberg

Michael has long focused his writing on the world of retail and small businesses. He's been a part of the KORONA POS team since 2018 and loves helping entrepreneurs find ways to adapt and succeed. In his spare time, you'll likely find him hiking somewhere in the Southwest.